@tidepool/viz@0.8.1 apidocs /Users/jebeck/Tidepool/viz jsdoc2md "src/utils/format.js"


formatBgValue(val, bgPrefs, [outOfRangeThresholds])String


formatDecimalNumber(val, [places])String


formatBgValue(val, bgPrefs, [outOfRangeThresholds]) ⇒ String


Kind: global function
Returns: String - formatted blood glucose value

Param Type Description
val Number integer or float blood glucose value in either mg/dL or mmol/L
bgPrefs Object object containing bgUnits String and bgBounds Object
[outOfRangeThresholds] Object optional thresholds for low and high values; derived from annotations in PwD's data, so may not exist

formatDecimalNumber(val, [places]) ⇒ String


Kind: global function
Returns: String - numeric value rounded to the desired number of decimal places

Param Type Description
val Number numeric value to format
[places] Number optional number of decimal places to display; if not provided, will display as integer (0 decimal places)

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