Bootstrapping to UTC (BtUTC) is the algorithm Tidepool uses to infer UTC datetimes from the relative datetimes stored on diabetes devices in combination with the timezone of the most recent data on the device and the set of display time settings changes on the device.

The technical documentation for BtUTC resides in the uploader's docs, and there is also a less technical blog post.

calendar date

An object involving only date information—year, month, and day—and referring to a date in the 365-day Gregorian calendar; represented best in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD format.

The 365 day calendar is an abstraction that does not quite line up to universal time (i.e., UTC) because it guarantees exactly 365 days in a typical year and 366 in a leap year, while universal time does not (there are also leap seconds, etc. which add up to slightly more than 365 or 366 days). As a concept outside of universal time, a calendar date does not need or include timezone information.


2016-01-10 is a calendar date. (In particular, it is the date David Bowie died... 😢)

Examples of calendar dates in Tidepool's code are the two dates stored in a PwD's profile: birthday and diagnosisDate.

clock time

An object involving only time information—hours, minutes, seconds, and possibly milliseconds—and referring to a point within a standard twenty-four hour day.


6:05 p.m. is a clock time in non-ISO 8601 format. (18:05:00 would be the ISO 8601-formatted equivalent.) 64805000 is the same clock time in milliseconds.

In Tidepool front-end code, clock time is often computed from a datetime and then stored in milliseconds as msPer24.


A "datetime" is our catchall term for an object involving both clock time information—hours, minutes, seconds, and possibly milliseconds—and date information—year, month, and day.

The terms "time" and "timestamp" can be problematic and potentially confusing because they don't transparently represent the inclusion of date information. Thus, for maximum precision and clarity, we recommend using the term "datetime" when both clock time and date information are part of the object in question, both in documentation and in code.

We have borrowed this terminology with love from the datetime package in Python's standard library.


The concept of right now, today, as you are reading this is a datetime. 😉

deviceTime and time are both properties in the Tidepool data model that encode datetimes.

display time

A display time is a type of relative datetime---that is, a datetime without timezone information and therefore not anchored to UTC.


If you are a PwD, look at one of your diabetes devices right now; find the datetime display. Congratulations, unless you are looking at the time display on your iPhone for a Dexcom G5 system, you are looking at a display time.


Daylight saving time (abbreviated DST) is the practice of advancing clock time by an hour during the summer months so that evening daylight lasts longer.

Many timezones throughout the world observe DST, but some do not. Local governments decide exactly when the shift to and away from DST occurs.


The major timezones—Pacific, Mountain, Central, and Eastern—in the continental United States all observe DST according to a federally-legislated schedule. However, most of Arizona and Hawaii do not observe DST.


A Unix time in milliseconds instead of seconds.


0 is the hammertime representing midnight on January 1st, 1970. 1495759428000 is the hammertime representing the time just before I typed this.

Presently there are no examples of hammertimes in the data Tidepool stores, but new front-end data visualization code parses each ISO-formatted timestamp (i.e., time) into a hammertime during the data preprocessing because repeatedly parsing String timestamps is very expensive in terms of performance.

ISO 8601

ISO 8601 is the International Organization for Standardization's (ISO) standard covering the exchange of date- and time-related data.

You can read about it on Wikipediaa.

Tidepool uses ISO 8601 datetime formatting for calendar dates and for both relative ("timezone-naïve") and timezone-aware or UTC datetimes.


2017-05-25T23:48:52+00:00 is an ISO 8601-formatted datetime with the timezone offset of 0 (UTC) provided in the optional +/- offset notation.

2017-W21 is an ISO 8601-formatted week, an example of an ISO 8601 specification that is not currently relevant or used by Tidepool.

At Tidepool, we use the Zulu format with milliseconds—i.e., 2017-05-25T23:48:52.000Z—for the time field. For the relative datetime stored in the deviceTime field, we use the date and time formatting specifications to second precision——that is to say, 2017-05-25T23:48:52.


"Person with diabetes" or at Tidepool, equivalently, "Person with data."

This phrase (and its abbreviation PwD) is used in order to avoid the disease-centric term "diabetic." It is very commonly, though not universally, used throughout the diabetes community.


A timezone—sometimes referred to as a named timezone or timezoneName at Tidepool for clarity—is a String value referring to a timezone from the IANA Time Zone Database.

NB: An abbreviation such as PDT for "Pacific Daylight Time" is not a timezone since it contains both timezone and timezone offset information!


US/Pacific is the timezone where Tidepool's headquarters are located. Pacific/Easter is the timezone for the Easter Islands. More timezone examples can be seen by hovering on the map below the fold on Moment Timezone's landing page.

The upload type in Tidepool's data model stores a timezone in—wait for it...—the timezone property.

timezone offset

A timezone offset is a positive or negative integer representing an offset from UTC in minutes.

Timezones and timezone offsets do not map to each other one-to-one because of DST. For example, the US/Pacific timezone has a timezone offset of -420 during DST and a timezone offset of -480 when standard time is in effect. Be very careful, both in thought and in code, to keep these concepts of timezone and timezone offset distinct!


The timezone UTC always has a timezone offset of 0, by definition.

The timezone Pacific/Honolulu always has a timezone offset of -600 because Hawaii does not observe DST.

The timezone Australia/Melbourne has a timezone offset of +660 approximately October through March (summer months in the southern hemisphere!) when DST is observed and +600 when standard time is observed the remainder of the year.

Tidepool's data model includes a calculated (via BtUTC) timezone offset in timezoneOffset.

Unix time

Unix time is a particularly machine-friendly method for representing a datetime, defined as the number of seconds that have elapsed since midnight on January 1st, 1970.

Unix time is also sometimes referred to as "POSIX time" or "epoch time."


0 is the Unix time representing midnight on January 1st, 1970. 1495760648 is the Unix time representing the time just before I typed this.

We don't use Unix times at Tidepool. We use hammertimes instead.


Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) is the primary date & time standard by which planet Earth regulates clocks and time.

UTC does not observe DST, and it is the successor to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), which is no longer a functioning global standard. In the ISO 8601 standard, Z (for "Zulu", from the radio alphabet) is a shorthand for represented the timezone offset of UTC (i.e., +00:00).


2017-05-25T23:48:52.000Z is an ISO 8601-formatted UTC datetime.

In Tidepool's data model, all time fields are in UTC.

a. a.k.a. @jebeck's very favorite page on the whole of the Internet to link to.

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