Uploading sequences of basal events via jellyfish's previous field

The legacy jellyfish data ingestion API was designed for real-time ingestion of diabetes device data. This posed a problem for ingesting events like basal events that are not point-in-time but rather represent intervals of time. There are a couple of obvious solutions to this problem:

  1. At the start time of a basal event, upload the basal and include the expected duration but update it later if it turns out to be incorrect when the next basal event is ingested.
  2. At the start time of a basal event, upload the basal; when the next basal interval starts, upload it with a reference to the first basal. Keep including a reference to the previous basal on each basal event and use the actual sequence of basals to determine the actual duration of each.

Partly because insulin pumps tend to report basal events without durations—most pumps simply report "basal rate change" events when the pump switches from delivering one rate to another—the second strategy, which does not require the inclusion of a duration on each basal event, was chosen as the strategy implemented in jellyfish. For a deep dive into the details of how the legacy jellyfish ingestion API processed sequenced basal events with a previous, see the following section.

In Tidepool's new platform APIs (under active development as of April, 2016 at the time of the initial drafting of this document), previous will no longer be an allowed field on basal events, and all basal events are expected to be uploaded with a duration. Essentially, we are now placing the burden on the client to process the sequence of raw basal (rate change) events coming from an insulin pump and determine the duration of each interval basal event prior to upload. Since the challenge of determining the duration for basal events has proven to be slightly different given each manufacturer's raw data model, we believe that it makes the most sense for determining the duration of basal events to fall within the uploading client's responsibilities.

Uploading sequences of scheduled basal (rate change) events

We start with a basal with no previous:

  "type": "basal",
  "deliveryType": "scheduled",
  "duration": 3600000,
  "rate": 0.7,
  "scheduleName": "Vacation",
  "clockDriftOffset": 0,
  "conversionOffset": 0,
  "deviceId": "DevId0987654321",
  "deviceTime": "2016-04-25T12:00:00",
  "guid": "4f90a365-647c-49e0-8ff5-365df35019cc",
  "time": "2016-04-25T19:00:00.000Z",
  "timezoneOffset": -420,
  "uploadId": "SampleUploadId"

Then we submit another basal that includes the first as its previous:

  "type": "basal",
  "deliveryType": "scheduled",
  "duration": 39600000,
  "rate": 1.2,
  "previous": {
    "type": "basal",
    "deliveryType": "scheduled",
    "duration": 3600000,
    "rate": 0.7,
    "scheduleName": "Vacation",
    "clockDriftOffset": 0,
    "conversionOffset": 0,
    "deviceId": "DevId0987654321",
    "deviceTime": "2016-04-25T12:00:00",
    "guid": "4f90a365-647c-49e0-8ff5-365df35019cc",
    "time": "2016-04-25T19:00:00.000Z",
    "timezoneOffset": -420,
    "uploadId": "SampleUploadId"
  "scheduleName": "Weekend",
  "clockDriftOffset": 0,
  "conversionOffset": 0,
  "deviceId": "DevId0987654321",
  "deviceTime": "2016-04-25T13:00:00",
  "guid": "f41d375f-b92a-4aef-807e-05963370b420",
  "time": "2016-04-25T20:00:00.000Z",
  "timezoneOffset": -420,
  "uploadId": "SampleUploadId"

This will result in the jellyfish API storing the following to the Tidepool cloud:

    "type": "basal",
    "deliveryType": "scheduled",
    "duration": 3600000,
    "rate": 0.7,
    "scheduleName": "Vacation",
    "_active": true,
    "_groupId": "abcdef",
    "_schemaVersion": 0,
    "_version": 0,
    "clockDriftOffset": 0,
    "conversionOffset": 0,
    "createdTime": "2016-04-25T20:00:05.000Z",
    "deviceId": "DevId0987654321",
    "deviceTime": "2016-04-25T12:00:00",
    "guid": "4f90a365-647c-49e0-8ff5-365df35019cc",
    "id": "fcjk8r9m8hrqaiskaa3oa7ol47tkfefe",
    "time": "2016-04-25T19:00:00.000Z",
    "timezoneOffset": -420,
    "uploadId": "SampleUploadId"
    "type": "basal",
    "deliveryType": "scheduled",
    "duration": 39600000,
    "rate": 1.2,
    "scheduleName": "Weekend",
    "_active": true,
    "_groupId": "abcdef",
    "_schemaVersion": 0,
    "_version": 0,
    "clockDriftOffset": 0,
    "conversionOffset": 0,
    "createdTime": "2016-04-25T20:00:05.000Z",
    "deviceId": "DevId0987654321",
    "deviceTime": "2016-04-25T13:00:00",
    "guid": "f41d375f-b92a-4aef-807e-05963370b420",
    "id": "dshhn6ev3uc7gbbe6kq7aqlik8tvhjn7",
    "time": "2016-04-25T20:00:00.000Z",
    "timezoneOffset": -420,
    "uploadId": "SampleUploadId"

The above case represents the normal and best-case scenario, but the jellyfish API was also designed to handle various cases in which not all of the data expectations are met.

Case 1: A sequence of scheduled basals with a skipped event.

As before, we start with a basal with no previous:

  "type": "basal",
  "deliveryType": "scheduled",
  "duration": 3600000,
  "rate": 0.7,
  "scheduleName": "Vacation",
  "clockDriftOffset": 0,
  "conversionOffset": 0,
  "deviceId": "DevId0987654321",
  "deviceTime": "2016-04-25T12:00:00",
  "guid": "4f90a365-647c-49e0-8ff5-365df35019cc",
  "time": "2016-04-25T19:00:00.000Z",
  "timezoneOffset": -420,
  "uploadId": "SampleUploadId"

Then we submit another basal with a previous that is not the first basal we started with but rather an event that has not been uploaded between the first basal submitted and the current one:

  "type": "basal",
  "deliveryType": "scheduled",
  "duration": 73800000,
  "rate": 0.325,
  "previous": {
    "type": "basal",
    "deliveryType": "scheduled",
    "duration": 3600000,
    "rate": 0.4,
    "scheduleName": "Stress",
    "clockDriftOffset": 0,
    "conversionOffset": 0,
    "deviceId": "DevId0987654321",
    "deviceTime": "2016-04-25T15:00:00",
    "guid": "247c5c1c-d392-48c4-8df2-b55748e873cf",
    "time": "2016-04-25T22:00:00.000Z",
    "timezoneOffset": -420,
    "uploadId": "SampleUploadId"
  "scheduleName": "Stress",
  "clockDriftOffset": 0,
  "conversionOffset": 0,
  "deviceId": "DevId0987654321",
  "deviceTime": "2016-04-25T16:00:00",
  "guid": "41f708b3-34fb-4dc8-820c-e780c411a129",
  "time": "2016-04-25T23:00:00.000Z",
  "timezoneOffset": -420,
  "uploadId": "SampleUploadId"

This will result in the jellyfish API storing the following to the Tidepool cloud:

    "type": "basal",
    "deliveryType": "scheduled",
    "duration": 3600000,
    "rate": 0.7,
    "scheduleName": "Vacation",
    "_active": true,
    "_groupId": "abcdef",
    "_schemaVersion": 0,
    "_version": 1,
    "clockDriftOffset": 0,
    "conversionOffset": 0,
    "createdTime": "2016-04-25T23:09:05.140Z",
    "deviceId": "DevId0987654321",
    "deviceTime": "2016-04-25T12:00:00",
    "guid": "4f90a365-647c-49e0-8ff5-365df35019cc",
    "id": "fcjk8r9m8hrqaiskaa3oa7ol47tkfefe",
    "time": "2016-04-25T19:00:00.000Z",
    "timezoneOffset": -420,
    "uploadId": "SampleUploadId",
    "annotations": [
        "code": "basal/mismatched-series",
        "nextId": "vppkt7da2u8tdokkt0jbrbvepllthrv2"
    "type": "basal",
    "deliveryType": "scheduled",
    "duration": 73800000,
    "rate": 0.325,
    "scheduleName": "Stress",
    "_active": true,
    "_groupId": "abcdef",
    "_schemaVersion": 0,
    "_version": 0,
    "clockDriftOffset": 0,
    "conversionOffset": 0,
    "createdTime": "2016-04-25T23:09:05.172Z",
    "deviceId": "DevId0987654321",
    "deviceTime": "2016-04-25T16:00:00",
    "guid": "41f708b3-34fb-4dc8-820c-e780c411a129",
    "id": "vppkt7da2u8tdokkt0jbrbvepllthrv2",
    "time": "2016-04-25T23:00:00.000Z",
    "timezoneOffset": -420,
    "uploadId": "SampleUploadId"

Note that the jellyfish ingestion API does not store the previous with a time of 2016-04-25T22:00:00.000Z since this reference did not match a basal event that had already been submitted and stored to the Tidepool cloud. In addition, the first basal submitted (i.e., the basal just prior to the gap in the sequence) is marked with an annotation with the code basal/mismatched-series.

Case 2: A scheduled that overlaps with a prior event in the basal stream.

Once again we start by submitting a basal with no previous:

  "type": "basal",
  "deliveryType": "scheduled",
  "duration": 4000000,
  "rate": 1.9,
  "scheduleName": "Weekend",
  "clockDriftOffset": 0,
  "conversionOffset": 0,
  "deviceId": "DevId0987654321",
  "deviceTime": "2016-04-25T15:00:00",
  "guid": "f9122f02-3690-439e-8130-4cbda9a5a618",
  "time": "2016-04-25T22:00:00.000Z",
  "timezoneOffset": -420,
  "uploadId": "SampleUploadId"

Then we submit another basal that includes the first as its previous, except that the time of the new basal occurs before the time that would be expected had the duration of the first basal event been fulfilled:

  "type": "basal",
  "deliveryType": "scheduled",
  "duration": 77400000,
  "rate": 0.875,
  "previous": {
    "type": "basal",
    "deliveryType": "scheduled",
    "duration": 4000000,
    "rate": 1.9,
    "scheduleName": "Weekend",
    "clockDriftOffset": 0,
    "conversionOffset": 0,
    "deviceId": "DevId0987654321",
    "deviceTime": "2016-04-25T15:00:00",
    "guid": "f9122f02-3690-439e-8130-4cbda9a5a618",
    "time": "2016-04-25T22:00:00.000Z",
    "timezoneOffset": -420,
    "uploadId": "SampleUploadId"
  "scheduleName": "Weekend",
  "clockDriftOffset": 0,
  "conversionOffset": 0,
  "deviceId": "DevId0987654321",
  "deviceTime": "2016-04-25T16:00:00",
  "guid": "38d9e8c6-943d-4e76-aede-25c4a6a7b4ba",
  "time": "2016-04-25T23:00:00.000Z",
  "timezoneOffset": -420,
  "uploadId": "SampleUploadId"

This will result in the jellyfish API storing the following to the Tidepool cloud:

    "type": "basal",
    "deliveryType": "scheduled",
    "duration": 3600000,
    "expectedDuration": 4000000,
    "rate": 1.9,
    "scheduleName": "Weekend",
    "_active": true,
    "_groupId": "abcdef",
    "_schemaVersion": 0,
    "_version": 1,
    "clockDriftOffset": 0,
    "conversionOffset": 0,
    "createdTime": "2016-04-25T23:29:52.209Z",
    "deviceId": "DevId0987654321",
    "deviceTime": "2016-04-25T15:00:00",
    "guid": "f9122f02-3690-439e-8130-4cbda9a5a618",
    "id": "up6uvs31k0qte789jd24r7rf27fduuv8",
    "time": "2016-04-25T22:00:00.000Z",
    "timezoneOffset": -420,
    "uploadId": "SampleUploadId"
    "type": "basal",
    "deliveryType": "scheduled",
    "duration": 77400000,
    "rate": 0.875,
    "scheduleName": "Weekend",
    "_active": true,
    "_groupId": "abcdef",
    "_schemaVersion": 0,
    "_version": 0,
    "clockDriftOffset": 0,
    "conversionOffset": 0,
    "createdTime": "2016-04-25T23:33:07.008Z",
    "deviceId": "DevId0987654321",
    "deviceTime": "2016-04-25T16:00:00",
    "guid": "38d9e8c6-943d-4e76-aede-25c4a6a7b4ba",
    "id": "vppkt7da2u8tdokkt0jbrbvepllthrv2",
    "time": "2016-04-25T23:00:00.000Z",
    "timezoneOffset": -420,
    "uploadId": "SampleUploadId"

Note that the duration on the initial basal event was updated to reflect the actual length of the interval during which that segment of the basal schedule ran. An expectedDuration was also added by the jellyfish ingestion service to retain a record of the original duration that was stored before the first basal event was truncated by the second.

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