Upload Metadata (upload)

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[ingestion, storage, client] The string upload.

    jellyfish: yes
    platform: yes

This is the Tidepool datatype most distinct from all others: instead of encoding diabetes device data, the upload type encodes metadata about an upload of diabetes device data to the Tidepool platform.


[ingestion, storage, client] A string consisting of the Tidepool userId of the uploading user.

    jellyfish: yes
    platform: yes

The byUser field is provided for data-auditing purposes. Since Tidepool provides functionality to share data and permissions on data between users (for example: between a clinician and a patient, or in a more unusual example between divorced parents of a child with diabetes), the user that logged in and performed the device upload may often not be the user who wears the devices being uploaded.


[ingestion, storage, client] An ISO 8601 formatted timestamp without any timezone offset information—e.g., 2016-06-28T01:09:55.

    jellyfish: yes
    platform: yes

The computerTime field encodes the local time at upload with no timezone offset information since we are storing timezone separately. We store this field in order to be able to audit and/or detect the correspondence between the user's browser time and the timezone they selected at the time of upload. If the user selected the timezone that was actually in effect for their browser at the time of upload, then applying the stored timezone to the UTC Zulu time field will match computerTime. If, on the other hand, the user selected a different timezone from that effective in their browser at the time of upload, applying the timezone to time will not match computerTime.

There are some use cases when it is perfectly justified to select a timezone that does not reflect the browser's current timezone. For example, some insulin pump users do not change the time on their devices when traveling for short periods of time across many timezones, but when uploading a device a user should always choose the timezone that aligns with the most recent data on the device and thus that will not match the local browser timezone.


[ingestion, storage, client] An array of string tags indicating the manufacturer(s) of the device.

    jellyfish: yes
    platform: yes
Range: Must be one of:

In order to avoid confusion resulting from referring to a single manufacturer with more than one name—for example, using both 'Minimed' and 'Medtronic' interchangeably—we restrict the set of strings used to refer to manufacturers to the set listed above and enforce exact string matches (including casing).

deviceManufacturers is an array of one or more string "tags" because there are devices resulting from a collaboration between more than one manufacturer, such as the Tandem G4 insulin pump with CGM integration (a collaboration between Tandem and Dexcom).


[ingestion, storage, client] A string identifying the model of the device.

    jellyfish: yes
    platform: yes

The deviceModel is a non-empty string that encodes the model of device. We endeavor to match each manufacturer's standard for how they represent model name in terms of casing, whether parts of the name are represented as one word or two, etc.


[ingestion, storage, client] A string encoding the device's serial number.

    jellyfish: yes
    platform: yes
Range: Must be a string value, and **may** be an empty string.

The deviceSerialNumber is a string that encodes the serial number of the device. Note that even if a manufacturer only uses digits in its serial numbers, the SN should be stored as a string regardless.

Uniquely of string fields in the Tidepool device data models, deviceSerialNumber may be an empty string. This is essentially a compromise: having the device serial number is extremely important (especially for e.g., clinical studies) but in 2016 we came across our first case where we cannot recover the serial number of the device that generated the data: Dexcom G5 data uploaded to Tidepool through Apple iOS's HealthKit integration.


[ingestion, storage, client] An array of string tags indicating the function(s) of the device.

    jellyfish: yes
    platform: yes
Range: Must be one of:

The deviceTags array should be fairly self-explanatory as an array of tags indicating the function(s) of a particular device. For example, the Insulet OmniPod insulin delivery system has the tags bgm and insulin-pump since the PDM is both an insulin pump controller and includes a built-in blood glucose monitor.


[ingestion, storage, client] A string indicating what variety of processing was used to create the time and related fields such as timezoneOffset on data in this upload.

    jellyfish: yes
    platform: yes
Range: Must be one of:

For data auditing purposes, we store a string encoding the type of algorithm used to generate the time, timezoneOffset, and other related fields from the local deviceTime. At present, there are only three options for this value:

  • across-the-board-timezone for devices (all BGMs, for example) that cannot have their deviceTime values "bootstrapped" to a UTC time value; in such cases, we apply a single user-selected timezone to every deviceTime "across the board" to generate the time value.
  • utc-bootstrapping for devices (most insulin pumps and CGMs) where we use a combination of the user-selected timezone at time of upload, the most recent timestamp on device, and the history of display time changes on the device to infer the correct time value for each record.
  • none for data sources that already include a UTC-anchored time value. At present, the only data source for which this is true is Dexcom G5 data coming through Apple's iOS HealthKit integration.


[ingestion, storage, client] A string timezone name from the IANA timezone database.

    jellyfish: yes
    platform: yes

The timezone is the timezone selected by the user manually in the Chrome uploader at the time of upload, or (in the case of Dexcom G5 data from HealthKit), the timezone reported by the mobile device at the time of upload.

Note that we use the Moment Timezone library for the implementation of both bootstrapping to UTC (in the Chrome uploader) and in Tidepool's client web application, blip. Moment Timezone in turn includes a copy of the IANA timezone database. Moment Timezone is updated frequently to include updates to the IANA database, but we do not always update our dependencies very often, so in reality the possible values of this field are limited to the string timezone names recognized by the IANA timezone database included in our current version of Moment Timezone.


See common fields.

    jellyfish: yes
    platform: no (generated by platform)

For Jellyfish

The uploadId is a string ID generated by hashing various pieces of information about the upload and prefixed with upid_. It is included on the upload metadata as well as on every datum uploaded in one upload "session". In the Chrome uploader, an upload "session" is defined as the batch of data resulting from connecting a single device, reading the data from it, and transforming the response into the Tidepool data model.

Unfortunately, it is becoming increasingly difficult to define what an upload "session" is now that Tidepool is uploading Dexcom G5 through integration with Apple iOS HealthKit nearly continuously. At present, we recommend producing an upload metadata record no more frequently than every 100 records when data is being uploaded continuously.

For Platform

The uploadId is generated and returned by platform when opening an upload session. The uploadId should be used as part of the URI when adding new data.
uploadId should not be used in any POST bodies when uploading to platform.


[ingestion, storage, client] A string encoding the version of the uploading client.

    jellyfish: yes
    platform: yes

A string identifying the software version of the uploading client. For the Chrome uploader, this will be a semver—for example, 1.25.2. For other uploading clients such as Tidepool iOS applications, the format includes the namespace and semver of the app: org.tidepool.blipnotes:1.25:2.


See common fields.


See common fields.


See common fields.


See common fields.


See common fields.


See common fields.


See common fields.


See common fields.


See common fields.


See common fields.


See common fields.


See common fields.


See common fields.

example (client)

    "type": "upload",
    "byUser": "154bb78230",
    "computerTime": "2016-06-27T18:09:55",
    "deviceManufacturers": "Tandems",
    "deviceModel": "Devicey McDeviceface",
    "deviceSerialNumber": "11359410",
    "deviceTags": [
    "timeProcessing": "across-the-board-timezone",
    "timezone": "Europe/London",
    "uploadId": "SampleUploadId",
    "version": "0.100.0",
    "clockDriftOffset": 0,
    "conversionOffset": 0,
    "deviceId": "DevId0987654321",
    "deviceTime": "2016-06-27T18:09:55",
    "guid": "e46ceaf2-e6af-4eb2-9583-3b6095f44474",
    "id": "eed794bbf9ec4b118f5e4c158216d45d",
    "time": "2016-06-28T01:09:55.131Z",
    "timezoneOffset": -420

example (ingestion)

    "type": "upload",
    "byUser": "eda1e15c6a",
    "computerTime": "2016-06-27T18:09:55",
    "deviceManufacturers": "Tandems",
    "deviceModel": "Devicey McDeviceface",
    "deviceSerialNumber": "B97B6D59",
    "deviceTags": [
    "timeProcessing": "utc-bootstrapping",
    "timezone": "Europe/London",
    "uploadId": "SampleUploadId",
    "version": "0.100.0",
    "clockDriftOffset": 0,
    "conversionOffset": 0,
    "deviceId": "DevId0987654321",
    "deviceTime": "2016-06-27T18:09:55",
    "time": "2016-06-28T01:09:55.132Z",
    "timezoneOffset": -420

example (storage)

    "type": "upload",
    "byUser": "e9c6044f37",
    "computerTime": "2016-06-27T18:09:55",
    "deviceManufacturers": "Tandems",
    "deviceModel": "Devicey McDeviceface",
    "deviceSerialNumber": "59579660",
    "deviceTags": [
    "timeProcessing": "utc-bootstrapping",
    "timezone": "Europe/London",
    "uploadId": "SampleUploadId",
    "version": "0.100.0",
    "_active": true,
    "_groupId": "abcdef",
    "_schemaVersion": 0,
    "_version": 0,
    "clockDriftOffset": 0,
    "conversionOffset": 0,
    "createdTime": "2016-06-28T01:10:00.132Z",
    "deviceId": "DevId0987654321",
    "deviceTime": "2016-06-27T18:09:55",
    "guid": "42b5f8b1-699a-4c15-ab62-33934791ea7b",
    "id": "451beb9d69b64bc2a60a1696559f94d1",
    "time": "2016-06-28T01:09:55.132Z",
    "timezoneOffset": -420

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    No results matching ""