Bolus Calculator Records (wizard)

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NB: All fields are required unless otherwise noted.

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[ingestion, storage, client] The string wizard.

    jellyfish: yes
    platform: yes

Changelog for type

_schemaVersion ? (future): We plan to migrate from wizard to calculator in the future.

The Tidepool wizard event - in the future, to be renamed calculator - models user interactions with a bolus calculator (on some pumps called the bolus "wizard"). The wizard event is intended to contain the values that were input into the wizard, as well as any recommendations that the calculator may have made. This event on its own does not record explicitly whether the recommendations made were followed; it is the responsibility of client software to determine this by comparison with the resulting bolus event.

Some insulin pumps record every user interaction with the bolus calculator, regardless of whether a bolus resulted from the interaction or not. To avoid noise in the data from user interactions that do not have any direct clinical relevance, only user interactions with the bolus calculator that actually result in a bolus event should be uploaded to the Tidepool platform. The resulting bolus should also be included on the wizard event: see linking events for details.


This field is optional.

[ingestion] Blood glucose value in either mg/dL (integer) or mmol/L (float), with appropriately matching units field.

[storage, client] Blood glucose value in mmol/L (float, potentially unrounded), with appropriately matching units field.

    jellyfish: no (optional)
    platform: no (optional)
Numerical type:
    mg/dL: Integer value representing a `mg/dL` value.
    mmol/L: Floating point value representing a `mmol/L` value.
        min: 0
        max: 1000
        min: 0.0
        max: 55.0

Like all blood glucose-related fields, the bgInput should be uploaded in either mg/dL or mmol/L as appropriate to how the data is retrieved from the device, but all values will be converted to mmol/L on ingestion.


This field is optional.

[ingestion, storage, client] An object describing the PWD's target blood glucose; the format of this object varies according to the make of the insulin pump.

    jellyfish: no (optional)
    platform: no (optional)

    animas: {`target`, `range`}
    insulet: {`target`, `high`}
    medtronic: {`low`, `high`}
    tandem: {`target`}

Contains a subset of the following properties:

  • low
  • high
  • target
  • range


[ingestion, storage, client] An integer encoding the lower bound of a PWD's blood glucose target.

Numerical type:
    mg/dL: Integer value representing a `mg/dL` value.
    mmol/L: Floating point value representing a `mmol/L` value.
        min: 0
        max: 1000
        min: 0.0
        max: 55.0


[ingestion, storage, client] An integer encoding the upper bound of a PWD's blood glucose target.

Numerical type:
    mg/dL: Integer value representing a `mg/dL` value.
    mmol/L: Floating point value representing a `mmol/L` value.
        min: >= `low` or `target`, whichever present
        max: 1000
        min: >= `low` or `target`, whichever present
        max: 55.0

[ingestion, storage, client] An integer encoding the PWD's target blood glucose as a single value.

Numerical type:
    mg/dL: Integer value representing a `mg/dL` value.
    mmol/L: Floating point value representing a `mmol/L` value.
        min: 0
        max: 1000
        min: 0.0
        max: 55.0


[ingestion, storage, client] An integer encoding the allowed deviation above or below the PWD's target blood glucose.

Numerical type:
    mg/dL: Integer value representing a `mg/dL` value.
    mmol/L: Floating point value representing a `mmol/L` value.
        min: 0
        max: min(`target`, 1000 - `target`) such that `target`-`range` >= 0 and `target`+`range` <= 1000
        min: 0.0
        max: min(`target`, 55.0 - `target`) such that `target`-`range` >= 0.0 and `target`+`range` <= 55.0

Changelog for bgTarget

_schemaVersion 2: The minimal {target: [val]} schema was added as valid to handle Tandem's bgTarget data.

_schemaVersion 2: The nonexistent (in currently handled devices) {low: [val], target: [val], high: [val]} schema was removed.

The embedded bgTarget object models the target blood glucose that was in operation for the given bolus calculation. Like all blood glucose-related fields, the bgTarget should be uploaded in either mg/dL or mmol/L as appropriate to how the data is retrieved from the device, but all values will be converted to mmol/L on ingestion.

The representation of bgTarget varies across insulin delivery device manufacturers as follows:

  • Animas represents the PWD's blood glucose target as a target blood glucose and a range encoded as a single value such that any blood glucose value +range or -range from the target is considered "in range" for Animas' bolus recommendation calculations.
  • Insulet represents the PWD's blood glucose target as a target blood glucose and a high threshold. Insulet's correction bolus calculations aim for the target but do not calculate a bolus at all if the bgInput is not higher than the high threshold.
  • Medtronic represents the PWD's blood glucose target as a range defined by a low and a high value.
  • Tandem represents the PWD's blood glucose target simply as a single target blood glucose value.

We have decided to use a common range for all blood glucose-related fields. As a result of this, the range of values that will be accepted for low, high, and target values within the bgTarget object is much larger than the range that is logically acceptable since the range of target values for blood glucose must necessarily be much narrower than the range of possible values, but we place the burden on uploading clients to ensure that the uploaded values are correct.


This field is optional when ingesting data through the jellyfish service but required when ingesting data through the new platform APIs.

[ingestion] The bolus event resulting from this wizard event, or—for the legacy jellyfish data ingestion service only—optionally the id of the bolus event instead of the event itself.

[storage, client] The id of the bolus resulting from this wizard event.

    jellyfish: no (optional)
    platform: yes

As mentioned above, only bolus calculator events that result in a bolus should be uploaded to the Tidepool platform.

When uploading through the legacy jellyfish ingestion API, a bolus resulting from a bolus calculation should be uploaded as part of the array of all bolus events (including also those programmed without the use of the bolus calculator) as well as embedded within the wizard event that programmed it.

On the other hand, when uploading through the new platform APIs (under construction at the time of the drafting of this documentation in June, 2016), the bolus should only be submitted embedded within the appropriate wizard event.

See linking events for more details on how events of different types are linked in the Tidepool platform.


This field is optional.

[ingestion, storage, client] An integer encoding the PWD's carbohydrate input into the bolus calculator.

    jellyfish: no (optional)
    platform: no (optional)
Numerical type: Integer value representing grams of carbohydrate.
    min: 0
    max: 1000

Not every use of an insulin pump's bolus calculator involves the input of carbohydrates; a user may be using the calculator to program a correction bolus only. Accordingly, the carbInput field is optional. Some devices split their bolus calculator functionality into more than one menu depending on whether the user intends to enter a carbohydrate value. On such devices, Tidepool omits the carbInput field altogether if the data shows that the user did not choose to enter a carbohydrate value. On other devices where the carbohydrate option is always part of the calculator, there is no difference between a value of 0 and the user declining to input a value; in these cases, we upload a carbInput of 0.

Note also that carbInput does not necessarily map directly to carbohydrates consumed by the PWD. A PWD may consume carbohydrates that are not recorded through the bolus calculator either if the PWD chooses to program a manual or quick bolus (i.e., without using the calculator) to "cover" carbohydrates ingested or if the PWD consumes carbohydrates for which no bolus is judged necessary (e.g., a snack in preparation for exercise or carbohydrates consumed to treat hypoglycemia).


This field is optional.

[ingestion, storage, client] An integer encoding the grams of carbohydrate "covered" by one unit of insulin for the PWD.

    jellyfish: no (optional)
    platform: no (optional)
Numerical type: Integer value representing grams of carbohydrate per unit of insulin.
    min: 0
    max: 250

The insulin-to-carb (I:C) ratio is part of a PWD's insulin pump settings. A user may program one I:C ratio to be used no matter the time of day, or the user may program particular ratios on a schedule per each twenty-four hour day. For Tidepool's data model of these persistent I:C ratios, see pumpSettings.

On bolus calculation events, the insulinCarbRatio records the I:C ratio employed in the calculation. Note that on some (perhaps all) insulin pumps, it is possible to change the insulin-to-carb (I:C) ratio for the bolus currently being calculated without persisting this change to the insulin pump's settings, so the insulinCarbRatio value on a bolus calculation may not always match the expected ratio given the user's insulin pump settings at the time of the calculation.


This field is optional.

[ingestion, storage, client] A floating point value representing units of insulin.

    jellyfish: no (optional)
    platform: no (optional)
Numerical type: Floating point value rounded to the appropriate significant figures for the device's precision.
    min: 0.0
    max: 250.0

The insulinOnBoard (IOB) field on a bolus calculation event encodes the insulin pump's estimate of how much insulin is currently still metabolically active in the PWD's system from boluses prior to the one being programmed. Some insulin pumps use a simple linear function for estimating the metabolic uptake and consumption of insulin while others use more complex functions. It is commonly held that one of the key benefits of using an insulin pump is the ability to track IOB in order to avoid "stacking" boluses—that is, taking more insulin on top of a dose that is still active, possibly resulting in hypoglycemia. In order to audit bolusing behavior, therefore, it is important to include insulinOnBoard in the data. On many insulin pumps, insulinOnBoard is also taken into account for the calculation of the net bolus recommendation.


This field is optional.

[ingestion] A numerical representation of the estimation of blood glucose value drop per unit of insulin delivered in either mg/dL (integer) or mmol/L (float), with appropriately matching units field.

[storage, client] A numerical representation of the estimation of blood glucose value drop in mmol/L (float, potentially unrounded), with appropriately matching units field.

    jellyfish: no (optional)
    platform: no (optional)
Numerical type:
    mg/dL: Integer value representing a `mg/dL` value.
    mmol/L: Floating point value representing a `mmol/L` value.
        min: 0
        max: 1000
        min: 0.0
        max: 55.0

The insulin sensitivity factor (ISF, sometimes simply "sensitivity factor") is part of a PWD's insulin pump settings. A user may program one ISF to be used no matter the time of day, or the user may program particular ISFs on a schedule per each twenty-four hour day. For Tidepool's data model of these persistent ISFs, see pumpSettings.

On bolus calculation events, the insulinSensitivity records the ISF employed in the calculation. Note than on some (perhaps all) insulin pumps, it is possible to change the ISF for the bolus currently being calculated without persisting this change to the insulin pump's settings, so the insulinSensitivity value on a bolus calculation may not always match the expected ISF given the user's insulin pump settings at the time of the calculation.

Like all blood glucose-related fields, the insulinSensitivity should be uploaded in either mg/dL or mmol/La as appropriate to how the data is retrieved from the device, but all values will be converted to mmol/L on ingestion.

This field is optional.

[ingestion, storage, client] An object encoding the amount of insulin calculated as a recommended dose to "cover" the bgInput and carbInput, possibly taking into account the insulinOnBoard.

    jellyfish: no (optional)
    platform: no (optional)

May contain the following properties:

  • carb
  • correction
  • net


This field is optional.

[ingestion, storage, client] A floating point value representing units of insulin.

    jellyfish: no (optional)
    platform: no (optional)
Numerical type: Floating point value rounded to the appropriate significant figures for the device's precision.
    min: >= 0.0
    max: 100.0


This field is optional.

[ingestion, storage, client] A floating point value representing units of insulin.

    jellyfish: no (optional)
    platform: no (optional)
Numerical type: Floating point value rounded to the appropriate significant figures for the device's precision.
    min: -100.0
    max: 100.0

This field is optional.

[ingestion, storage, client] A floating point value representing units of insulin.

    jellyfish: no (optional)
    platform: no (optional)
Numerical type: Floating point value rounded to the appropriate significant figures for the device's precision.
    min: -100.0
    max: 100.0

The embedded object recommended encodes an insulin delivery device's recommendations for insulin dosing across three fields: carb, correction, and net.

  • carb encodes the units of insulin recommended by the device to "cover" the total grams of carbohydrate input (carbInput) by the user (if any) into the bolus calculator. The value for carb may be >= 0, as not all boluses involve the ingestion of carbohydrates and thus not all include a recommended insulin dose to cover carbohydrates about to be ingested.
  • correction encodes the units of insulin recommended by the device to bring the PWD to their target blood glucose or into their target blood glucose range given the input blood glucose (bgInput). On some pumps, or depending on user preference on some pumps, this value may be negative. A negative recommendation for correction indicates that given the user's current blood glucose and insulinOnBoard, low blood glucose is predicted and a reduction in insulin dosing (e.g., via a temporary basal rate) may be required in order to main blood glucose at or within the target.
  • net is the net number of units of insulin that the bolus calculator recommended given the user's inputs. Generally, this net recommendation takes at least two and perhaps all three of recommended.carb, recommended.correction, and insulinOnBoard into account, but all insulin delivery devices currently on the market perform this calculation slightly differently and so we have chosen to store the result of the calculation rather than leave this calculation as the responsibility of client applications.


[ingestion] One of two string values: mg/dL or mmol/L.

[storage, client] The string mmol/L.

See units for further explanation of blood glucose units.

    jellyfish: yes
    platform: yes
Range: Must be one of:


See common fields.


See common fields.


See common fields.


See common fields.


See common fields.


See common fields.


See common fields.


See common fields.


See common fields.


See common fields.


See common fields.


See common fields.


See common fields.


See common fields.

example (client)

    "type": "wizard",
    "bgInput": 2.109284236597303,
    "bgTarget": {
        "target": 5.82828539059781,
        "range": 1.3876869977613833
    "bolus": "2eda6697f3ed430bb2d8b7c7a124fb13",
    "carbInput": 17,
    "insulinCarbRatio": 19,
    "insulinOnBoard": 21.949,
    "insulinSensitivity": 1.831746837045026,
    "recommended": {
        "carb": 1,
        "correction": -2.75,
        "net": 0
    "units": "mmol/L",
    "clockDriftOffset": 0,
    "conversionOffset": 0,
    "deviceId": "DevId0987654321",
    "deviceTime": "2018-05-14T18:17:09",
    "guid": "757cdf1d-516d-47a3-87d3-3d4e8b71504f",
    "id": "09eb73043377472f82b2baf7adfdbc50",
    "time": "2018-05-14T08:17:09.353Z",
    "timezoneOffset": 600,
    "uploadId": "SampleUploadId"

example (ingestion)

    "type": "wizard",
    "bgInput": 392,
    "bgTarget": {
        "target": 95,
        "range": 15
    "bolus": {
        "type": "bolus",
        "subType": "normal",
        "normal": 8,
        "expectedNormal": 9.6,
        "clockDriftOffset": 0,
        "conversionOffset": 0,
        "deviceId": "DevId0987654321",
        "deviceTime": "2018-05-14T18:17:09",
        "time": "2018-05-14T08:17:09.353Z",
        "timezoneOffset": 600,
        "uploadId": "SampleUploadId"
    "carbInput": 137,
    "insulinCarbRatio": 13,
    "insulinOnBoard": 24.254,
    "insulinSensitivity": 52,
    "recommended": {
        "carb": 10.5,
        "correction": 5.5,
        "net": 0
    "units": "mg/dL",
    "clockDriftOffset": 0,
    "conversionOffset": 0,
    "deviceId": "DevId0987654321",
    "deviceTime": "2018-05-14T18:17:09",
    "time": "2018-05-14T08:17:09.353Z",
    "timezoneOffset": 600,
    "uploadId": "SampleUploadId"

example (storage)

    "type": "wizard",
    "bgInput": 16.152676653942503,
    "bgTarget": {
        "low": 3.6079861941795968,
        "high": 6.938434988806917
    "bolus": "22239d4d592b48ae920b28971cceb48b",
    "carbInput": 57,
    "insulinCarbRatio": 24,
    "insulinOnBoard": 24.265,
    "insulinSensitivity": 4.329583433015516,
    "recommended": {
        "carb": 2.5,
        "correction": 2.25,
        "net": 0
    "units": "mmol/L",
    "_active": true,
    "_groupId": "abcdef",
    "_schemaVersion": 0,
    "_version": 0,
    "clockDriftOffset": 0,
    "conversionOffset": 0,
    "createdTime": "2018-05-14T08:17:14.353Z",
    "deviceId": "DevId0987654321",
    "deviceTime": "2018-05-14T18:17:09",
    "guid": "18d90ea0-5915-4e95-a8b2-cb22819ce696",
    "id": "087c94ccdae84eb5a76b8205a244ec6b",
    "time": "2018-05-14T08:17:09.353Z",
    "timezoneOffset": 600,
    "uploadId": "SampleUploadId"


a. If one wishes to be pedantic, the units for insulinSensitivity are technically md/dL/u or mmol/L/u since ISF is a ratio of "points" of blood glucose per unit of insulin.

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